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Unlock Decades of Data to Gain Unprecedented Alumni and Donor Insights

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Maximize Your Donor Data Potential with Oblio's Data Lakehouse 

Advancement offices typically possess valuable donor information. However, they often lack a comprehensive view of their alumni due to the siloed nature of data across different departments like admissions, campus life, student affairs, and the registrar. These departments often operate on disparate platforms, storing data in various systems and formats.

For the first time ever, advancement offices can bridge this gap. Oblio's Data Lakehouse enables you to retrieve historical data from other departments, regardless of format or structure. With this powerful tool, you can perform advanced analytics to create a detailed profile of your alumni, tracing their journey from application to graduation. Gain unprecedented insights and build a complete picture of your alumni's college experience, driving more informed and effective engagement strategies.


  • Centralized Data
  • Enhanced Collaboration
  • AI-Powered Insights
  • Automated Actionable Emails
  • No System Change Required
  • Secure and Compliant
Small Scale big

Inbox-Based AI Included

Oblio's Data Lakehouse includes our flagship communications tool.

Inbox-Based AI refers to a technology that utilizes artificial intelligence and machine learning within the email inbox to streamline and enhance various tasks and processes. It involves leveraging AI capabilities directly within the email interface, allowing users to perform actions, automate workflows, and access intelligent features without the need to be moving between multiple screens or external software and platforms.

Unlike traditional software, there's no need to learn new systems, switch CRMs, deal with complicated dashboards, or juggle multiple platforms. Everything takes place seamlessly within the familiar email inbox, simplifying the experience for uses such as advancement officers, faculty, staff, coaches, and any other user at the institution.

Interested in learning more about our Higher Ed Advancement Data Lakehouse Solution?